About Us

Crowdwisdom360 is a Global Tech Based decisions platform that delivers Unbiased, High-Quality data and insights to enable you to make better decisions. We are often quoted by leading Magazines around the World for our short-term and long-term forecasts.

Should you Trust us?

There are two elements in our approach to making decisions easy

  • Operating with a Framework that is standardized and repeatedly tested and upgraded for accuracy
  • Hiring Talent that understands our neutral role

While standardization is fairly common across many platforms, we are building towards standardization that delivers accurate outcomes. Accuracy is not just about coming close to the predicted outcomes. Accuracy is also about understanding how close a prediction can come to the actual outcome. Take stocks for example, the average analyst keeps revising their estimates every quarter and here you are being told that you have to invest in the long run. To know, therefore, the probable flaws in a forecast before you make a decision is extremely important.

Our approach is to hunt down fundamentals, and they are not just about the fundamentals of the company or the economy. They are much deeper for example how the number of children per household is falling at a rapid rate globally, and how platforms like Instagram and YouTube are driving a different consumptive culture than most can even imagine.

Lastly, we make no claim we are financial advisors, we are not. If you are thinking of putting in substantial money behind something, we would strongly recommend you to talk to a financial advisor. Every seasoned investor will tell you, it is not just about how much profit you can make in an investment. It is also how loss you can avoid in one.

As a team, we are adept at numbers and understanding causality. Causal frameworks are not easy to build and they need repeated testing and that is what we are doing on a daily basis. Over 2023, you will see more and more transparency in our forecasts and methodologies, and accuracy.

We work really hard to simplify your decision-making cycle.

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Write to us if you have queries or concerns at subscriptions@crowdwisdom.live

Registered in the United States and India

United States: 8 The Green Suite R, Dover, DE-19901, United States

India: 2205, Lake Lucerne, Powai, Mumbai-400076, India