Can Cosmos Reach $10,000?

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Can Cosmos Atom Reach $10000?

To reach $10000, ATOM will need to rise 1,132x. At $10000, the target market cap will be approximately $3.91 trillion. If ATOM were to rise at the pace of 25%, it will take approximately 32 years to reach $10000.
  • Quality of Investment– Poor
  • Time and Growth required to reach $10000– Not Feasible
  • Market Cap at $10000– Not Feasible
  • Competition – High

Looking at the growth requirement, Market Cap estimate, and time required to reach $10000 at 25% growth it is quite evident that Comos will not reach $10000. Perhaps a 90% burn will make this much more feasible.

Can Cosmos Atom Reach $100?

Yes, Cosmos ATOM has a moderate to high chance of reaching $100, read on

To reach $100, ATOM will need to rise 11x. At $100, the target market cap will be approximately $39.09 billion. If ATOM were to rise at the pace of 25%, it will take approximately 11 years to reach $100.
  • Quality of Investment– Moderate
  • Time and Growth required to reach $10– Feasible
  • Market Cap at $100– Feasible
  • Competition – High

Overall, it looks like Cosmos ATOM has a good chance of reaching $100.

Can Cosmos Reach $1000?

In theory, Cosmos can reach $1000. Cosmos by its nature has a wide range of use cases and enough apps and blockchains in the ecosystem to be successful. However, even at a relatively conservative growth of 25%, it will take 21 years for ATOM to reach $1000. That is an unreliable prediction.

Also Read: What is the best platform to stake ATOM?

Note: Please consult a registered investment advisor to guide you on your financial decisions. 

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